Whistleblower portal

In its more than 160-year history, ATG has earned a reputation as a high-performance company with integrity. ATG's employees are committed and loyal to their company.

ATG will not tolerate any behavior that contradicts this and damages the reputation and standing of the company. Business partners, customers and employees of ATG can therefore serve as whistleblowers if they have knowledge of criminal acts within ATG.

This certified BKMS® system ensures the anonymity of the whistleblower: www.bkms-system.net/hochbahn

As part of corruption prevention, we use the certified electronic whistleblower system of Hamburger Hochbahn AG, which ensures the anonymity of the whistleblower. The whistleblower system can also be used to report potential human rights violations or environmental violations in connection with our business activities. By clicking on the following link, you will be redirected to the whistleblower system:

Link to the whistleblower system
